Make a joyful noise unto the LORD all ye lands.
Psalms 100:1
The fine arts ministry at Emmanuel Apostolic Church focuses on integrating artistic expression
and creativity into the worship and community life. It involves various forms of art such as
choirs, music, drama, visual arts, dance, and more. This ministry provides opportunities for
individuals to use their talents to enhance worship services, convey spiritual messages, and
engage the congregation in a meaningful way. Through performances, exhibitions, workshops,
and collaborative projects, the fine arts ministry seeks to enrich the worship experience, foster
spiritual growth, and create a space for artistic exploration within the church community.
For further information, please contact the church office at (954)983-2558 or email
and creativity into the worship and community life. It involves various forms of art such as
choirs, music, drama, visual arts, dance, and more. This ministry provides opportunities for
individuals to use their talents to enhance worship services, convey spiritual messages, and
engage the congregation in a meaningful way. Through performances, exhibitions, workshops,
and collaborative projects, the fine arts ministry seeks to enrich the worship experience, foster
spiritual growth, and create a space for artistic exploration within the church community.
For further information, please contact the church office at (954)983-2558 or email